
AROMATHERAPY is another very old form of encouraging good health through natures own plants and herbs, applied to the skin with a base oil and inhaled or used in steam inhalations.

The Essential Oils are the essence of the plants and are selected to match your emotional or physical condition. Stress makes us sick, and it is known that it accounts for a huge amount of illness in our modern society, whatever our walk of life.

Aromatherapy can help and offers a really simple way of combating the stress and illness without the use of prescriptive drugs. But Aromatherapy can be used alongside conventional medicine too.

All treatments are prepared to create appealing aromas and synergistic blends which have a mental and physical effect and aid wellbeing.
Aromatherapy can help to restore lost balance to the mind, the body and will help the spiritual journey.

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Head Massage

All Essentail Oils are applied to the skin with a base oil (medium) and massaged with gentle strokes on the body, it is absorbed through the pores of the skin, the aroma is inhaled at the same time, helping to deliver the essential oil where it is needed for the presenting condition.

It can help to restore good mood, relieve anxiety, promote relaxation, help ease pain and care for the skin.
As all the oils are selected to act synergistically (balanced) they can be helpful for the following conditions and much more. Acne, coughs, colds, headaches, migraines, back pain, neck pain, stress, worry, panic, depression, psoriasis and dermatitis.
It really will have a beneficial effect but as with all Holistic/Complimentary Therapies, it is not a cure, but it is an aid to your wellbeing. Find out how it can benefit you.
It is a very special treatment that you will thoroughly enjoy from start to finish.